Three years in prison, a prison made out of her fears, a prison made out of anguish – Mixedmedia – Short story

Shadow had done three years in prison in an absolute silence. Nobody had heard of it. The suffering was so violent that she could find no words to describe it. The grip of anguish was so tight that it strangled her tears.
Shadow had done three years in prison and now she had lost all hope of getting out. Only death could free her.
But before finding a way to die, she had to dress herself for the party, put on some make-up and wait for her lover to come and take her to their friend’s house.
Shadow was in the car. The car was speeding on the highway. Shadow was chatting with her lover. Their conversation was light and lively. Shadow was a master in the art of hiding the black shadows darkening her soul.
Shadow’s lover looked at her. She was so beautiful, so gifted, so nice. He was a simple mortal in love with a deity. Shadow would wake up one day and realize. The worm and the star. Their story would end there.
Suddenly the car skidded. Oil had been spilt on the asphalt. The car hurt violently the crash barrier. A burst of sparks. The car glided out of control, skipped the other vehicles by miracle. The car now slowing down on the hard shoulder and coming to a stop. The astonishing quietness falling on them.
Shadow turned to her lover and, with a smile that made her look like Mona Lisa, Shadow said :
‘I’m free’.
Written after aprompt by Nina Pelletier, the seven first words. The story is inspired by an anecdote lived by a friend, how he cured a girl from her dramatic heartache in an instant.