Langorous ecstasy, mixed media painting
Pierre had to read some poetry during the holidays. So I accompanied him in the reading of “Romances sans paroles” of Verlaine and it inspired me.
C’est l’extase langoureuse,
C’est la fatigue amoureuse,
C’est tous les frissons des bois
Parmi l’étreinte des brises,
C’est vers les ramures grises
Le choeur des petites voix.
O le frêle et frais murmure!
Cela gazouille et susurre,
Cela ressemble au cri doux
Que l’herbe agitée expire…
Tu dirais, sous l’eau qui vire,
Le roulis sourd des cailloux.
Cette âme qui se lamente
En cette plainte dormante
C’est la nôtre, n’est-ce pas?
La mienne, dis, et la tienne,
Dont s’exhale l’humble antienne
Par ce tiède soir, tout bas?
It is langorous ecstasy,
It is amorous fatigue,
It is all the whispers of the forest,
In the embrace of breezes;
It is near the grey branches:
The chorus of tiny voices.
Oh, what a frail and fresh murmur!
It twitters and whispers,
It resembles the soft noise
That waving grass exhales.
You might say, under the bending stream,
The muffled noise of pebbles.
This soul, which laments
In this dormant moan,
It is ours, is it not?
Mine — tell me — and yours,
Whose humble anthem is exhaled
In this mild evening, very softly?